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Healthy thoughts & industry news

Thoughts, inspiration, and stories about healthcare in Canada and beyond, brought to you by Maple

What to Expect When using Virtual Care to See a Dermatologist
What to Expect When using Virtual Care to See a Dermatologist
Access to specialized healthcare can be challenging, and dermatology is no exception. Dermatology plays a key role in diagnosing and treating skin conditions, yet many people find it difficult to see a dermatologist promptly. …

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Skin Cancer Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Skin Cancer Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Skin cancer is a prevalent yet often overlooked health issue that touches the lives of many Canadians, manifesting in various forms from harmless-looking blemishes to more serious moles that may be precursors to melanoma. …

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Nail Issues: Causes, Treatment, and Tips
Nail Issues: Causes, Treatment, and Tips
Nails are not just a cosmetic feature; they are an integral part of our body that can reflect overall health. Many people experience nail problems at some point…

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Hair Loss: Causes, Types, and Treatment
Hair Loss: Causes, Types, and Treatment
Millions of people struggle with hair loss, a condition that can deeply affect one’s self-esteem and emotional health. Commonly caused by genetics, medical issues, or environmental factors, hair loss isn’t just a cosmetic concern; it can impact social…

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Rashes and Hives: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Rashes and Hives: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Skin rashes and hives can be sources of significant discomfort or anxiety. Typically appearing as red, itchy, or inflamed patches, these skin conditions might arise due to various triggers, such as allergic reactions, environmental factors, or infections.

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What is Psoriasis? Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Medications
What is Psoriasis? Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Medications
Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune skin condition, presents in several forms and varying degrees of severity. Characterized by red, itchy, and scaly patches, psoriasis extends beyond a simple skin issue, influencing daily activities and mental well-being. The unpredictable nature…

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What is Eczema and How Do You Treat it?
What is Eczema and How Do You Treat it?
Eczema, a common yet complex skin condition, affects millions of people worldwide, manifesting in various forms and severity levels. This chronic condition not only impacts the skin but can also significantly affect an individual’s daily life and mental…

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What Causes Rosacea? Treatments, Medications and More
What Causes Rosacea? Treatments, Medications and More
Rosacea is a common yet misunderstood skin condition affecting millions worldwide. It causes persistent redness, pimples, and even eye irritation. Many adults struggle with rosacea, a chronic skin disorder that causes not only facial redness and swelling but…

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What Causes Acne? Treatments, Medications and More
What Causes Acne? Treatments, Medications and More
Acne isn’t just a teenage predicament; it can strike at any stage, from the tumultuous teen years to the stresses of adulthood. This common skin condition doesn’t discriminate by age and can significantly affect how we view ourselves…

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How dermatologists can help with seasonal hair loss
How dermatologists can help with seasonal hair loss
Each season comes with unique health challenges. In fall and winter, harsh winds and cold temperatures create perfect conditions for dry skin. Springtime brings blooming flowers — lovely to look at, but one whiff can send those with allergies straight…

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