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Healthy thoughts & industry news

Thoughts, inspiration, and stories about healthcare in Canada and beyond, brought to you by Maple

Can a UTI Cause Back Pain?
Can a UTI Cause Back Pain?
Urinary tract infections  (UTIs) can feel quite uncomfortable — and if you’re experiencing the discomfort of back pain along with it, you may be wondering what your next steps are.  …

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Managing PCOS symptoms with a healthy diet
Managing PCOS symptoms with a healthy diet
Diet can be a powerful tool for helping to manage your PCOS symptoms. And, if you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, your healthcare provider might recommend that you modify your lifestyle. The caveat is that you have to know exactly what…

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Can winter cause erectile dysfunction?
Can winter cause erectile dysfunction?
Let’s cut to the chase: plenty of Canadian men experience erectile dysfunction (ED) — 40% of Canadian men over 40 to be exact. Despite this, many men…

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How can you prevent STIs?
How can you prevent STIs?
Over 60% of Canadians report never having STI testing, which means there are a lot of people walking around who may not know their status. Even if you’re in a monogamous relationship and don’t have a number…

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How many sexual partners is “too many”?
How many sexual partners is “too many”?
Sex is a personal thing. Everyone has different tastes, desires, and hang-ups. Some have one sexual partner for their entire lives, while others see lovers come and go. Despite this wide range of “normal,” many feel like they…

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Are cold sores the same as herpes?
Are cold sores the same as herpes?
As annoying as they are, cold sores are thankfully benign. Also known as “fever blisters,” cold sores result from a common viral infection that causes small blisters to emerge around your lips. After breaking, the blisters form scabs…

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I have ovarian cysts, does that mean I have PCOS?
I have ovarian cysts, does that mean I have PCOS?
If you’ve ever heard of or experienced ovarian cysts, you might immediately think they have something to do with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and vice versa. The two, however, aren’t exactly the same thing.  If you’ve…

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How do I know if I have premature ejaculation?
How do I know if I have premature ejaculation?
You may find the idea of premature ejaculation embarrassing, but if you experience it, you’re definitely not alone. Premature ejaculation is likely the most prevalent form of sexual dysfunction out there. But while it may be common,…

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Do I have a urinary tract infection (UTI)?
Do I have a urinary tract infection (UTI)?
UTIs are the most common bacterial infection in women. Here in Canada, women make about 500,000 trips to the doctor’s office every year because of them. But women aren’t the only ones who experience UTIs. Men, children,…

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The facts about birth control pills in Canada
The facts about birth control pills in Canada
Birth control pills are a form of round-the-clock contraception. You only need to take one pill once a day to be protected from unwanted pregnancy. Birth control pills can also help with certain health conditions. As with any birth control…

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