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Healthy thoughts & industry news

Thoughts, inspiration, and stories about healthcare in Canada and beyond, brought to you by Maple

What’s the best birth control for treating PCOS?
What’s the best birth control for treating PCOS?
What is PCOS? PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal imbalance that affects your menstrual cycle. Women who have PCOS tend to have high levels of androgens, which are hormones that cause male characteristics like facial hair growth…

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How to keep your penis healthy and strong
How to keep your penis healthy and strong
You only get one penis, and like every other part of the body, it needs to be taken care of. Not just to safeguard your sex life, but to ensure good overall health. Luckily, figuring out how to keep your…

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HIV and AIDS: causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment
HIV and AIDS: causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment
Learning that you’re HIV positive can be devastating, but with proper treatment, you can live a long and healthy life. There are a number of drugs available to help you manage your health and infection status. In spite…

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PrEP: what is it and how does it reduce HIV risk and infection?
PrEP: what is it and how does it reduce HIV risk and infection?
Medicine has come a long way since acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first identified in the 1980s. But while AIDS is treatable, there’s still no cure for it. The best way to protect yourself…

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Six sexual issues that are more common than you think
Six sexual issues that are more common than you think
Talking about sex is less taboo than it used to be, but that doesn’t make it a comfortable topic to discuss. Whatever your sex life looks like, you’re likely reluctant to share the details, even with your closest…

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How alcohol can affect you in the bedroom — for men
How alcohol can affect you in the bedroom — for men
Getting drinks is often part of the dating ritual — it can help you loosen up and feel more relaxed. But alcohol can have wide-ranging effects on your body and its systems. If you’re looking to get romantic,…

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HPV myths and facts
HPV myths and facts
Summer is many people’s favourite season for making new romantic connections. Keep in mind, summer is also a favourite of another highly contagious virus in the STI family called the Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV.  While…

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Five signs you may have low testosterone
Five signs you may have low testosterone
If you’re a middle-aged man, and you’ve been noticing unexplained changes to your body or mood recently, you shouldn’t ignore these signs. You could be experiencing low testosterone levels. Before you dismiss this as a possibility,…

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What should I do if I test positive for an STI?
What should I do if I test positive for an STI?
Learning that you’ve tested positive for a sexually transmitted infection can be a gut punch. There’s lots of stigma around having an STI, and it can seem like getting one is the end of the world — or…

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What is a “normal” colour for vaginal discharge?
What is a “normal” colour for vaginal discharge?
No matter how open you are with your girlfriends, you’re probably not discussing your vaginal discharge. Chances are, you didn’t learn about it in health class either. So it’s little wonder that many women don’t know what normal…

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