Dr. Robyn Prescott
Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Prescott is a practicing Naturopathic Physician in British Columbia. When she’s not teaching or writing, she’s helping patients feel inspired throughout the healing process. Dr. Prescott also sees patients on Maple.
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We asked Dr. Prescott some questions
Can you tell us more about your medical background and education?
I’m a practicing Naturopathic Physician in British Columbia with extensive experience in pain management, health optimization, and hormone balancing. I received my medical degree from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic medicine in 2014, and was recipient of the prestigious Spirit of Boucher award. I currently present various topics throughout BC to the public, teach advanced physical medicine to future doctors, and write for multiple publications across Canada. I’m very passionate about creating a personalized, safe, connected, and inspiring atmosphere where patients can work through the healing process.
What inspired you to become a doctor?
At a very young age I was inspired to search for another way to heal when I was struggling with my own chronic and debilitating lower back pain. Since I was a child, I have always loved helping people and problem solving. I enjoy thinking outside of the box and trying to find the root cause of the issue.
What do you love the most about practising medicine?
I love having a chance to change someone’s life for the better, or give them hope that they can live a happy and healthy life. My way of making this world a better place is by helping people feel better, which in turn allows them to make healthier choices for themselves, this world, and the people around them.
What’s your favourite part about practising on Maple?
Maple is a revolutionary platform that allows patients from all across Canada to access healthcare that would typically be challenging for them to obtain. I love being able to connect with patients no matter how busy they are or what their lives are like. It’s great to help them achieve their health goals in a safe, convenient, and easy to use environment.
What’s the most challenging aspect of working in the medical field?
I find it very difficult to always make everyone happy — but I do my absolute best! As a physician my goal is always to help everyone and make them feel better. Sometimes I have to accept that this is not possible which is very challenging for me.
If you could choose any other career, what would it be?
If I had to choose another career I would open a flower shop! I can’t think of a better way to make someone’s day than to sell happy, beautiful, fresh flowers to them!
Is there an individual in the medical community that you find most inspiring?
Absolutely! I find Brene Brown to be very inspiring. Her research findings are fascinating and helpful in today’s world!
What do you do in your spare time?
I am an avid mountain biker and runner, and I love horseback riding. Not many know, but I also used to play the violin at a high level. I still enjoy fiddling here and there!
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