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Trusted primary care providers are available round-the-clock and offer many services that a family doctor does.
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Meet some of our experienced and trusted primary care providers

Mazin Yousif
Dr. Yousif completed medical school in Baghdad, Iraq in 1998. He practiced until 2005 then moved to Canada where he has practiced in Newfoundland from 2007-2009 then Ontario from 2009 until now. ...

Jonathan Clayton
Dr. Clayton practices a mix of urban and rural family practice, urgent care and hospital care in New Brunswick. He also works as an expedition physician. Dr. Clayton completed a Bachelor of Scie ...

Paul Cusack
Dr. Cusack has been practicing Family Medicine in Charlottetown for the past 15 years. He also works in a busy walk-in clinic two days a week and heads up to the Surgical Assist group at the Que ...

Golbarg Araghi
Dr. Araghi has been practicing medicine for 17 years. She graduated from McGill University medical school in 2002 and completed her family medicine residency at the University of Toronto. She did a fellowship in low risk obste ...

Joe Fragapane
Dr. Fragapane practices Emergency and Family medicine for the Cree Nation in the native territories of the James Bay Quebec. As a physician, he mainly focuses in emergency rural medicine and ped ...

Dr. Michael Verbora
Dr. Verbora practices family medicine in Toronto, and specializes in student health. He received his Bachelor of Science with Honours from the University of Windsor, his Masters of Business Administration from Odette School of ...

Dr. Eric Fonberg
Dr. Fonberg is a family and emergency physician with more than 30 years of experience practicing primary care and hospital based medicine. He received his Doctor of Medicine from Western University, and his Master of Public He ...

Dr. Shafik Dharamshi
Dr. Dharamshi has been a staff physician in the emergency departments of the Scarborough Hospital and Rouge Valley Health System for the past 27 years. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from McMaster University, and h ...

How to get care today
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- 1 Download the app and register your account
- 2 Select the "Get care" button on the homepage
- 3 Connect with a licensed doctor or nurse practitioner in minutes
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